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No need to develop kernel to create your own disks and virtual files, these APIs do the work for the system developer. Customizable size, disk type or virtual file disk. Personalization of virtual files, everything is possible Possibility to mount your removable or fixed disks and/or drive alone. Supported function : Virtual CD-ROM drive, fixed and removable virtual disk, ejector functions on virtual disks and virtual file disks, offline virtual disk offline in case of crash or sudden process exit, but must be executed in administrator mode, _Virtual disk mounting (VDRS) as a link to a directory of an NTFS FAT, _Ability to define its own IOCTL functions (directbuffer mode only) called by a remote application using the DeviceIoControl API function. _Virtual disk tag. Support file mapping for VDFS APIs. Easy to use VDRS APIs. Simplicity of using VDFS APIs in future versions. Customizable digital license purchase possible. Automatic deletion of the player in case of crash-exit of your application using these APIs

Rédigé par : The Logithèque Editorial Board

Capture d'écran API VDFS-VDRS